Welcome to Wives United In Prayer
Wives United in Prayer (WUIP) is a great group of Christian wives from different backgrounds, denominations, ages and churches. Collectively, we represent over 100 years of marriage & life experience and share a common love of Christ. We believe marriage takes three to be complete: A husband and wife united in love, with Christ at the center. This is what makes marriage priceless and not easily broken.
Prayer, Encouragement & Support Unites Us, Christ Leads Us.
We're Thankful for Marriage & Our Powerful Authentic Sisterhood!
Our Services Include: Prayer & Support, Authentic Sisterhood, Lively Meetings, Networking Opportunities, Book Club, Community Service, Love Sprinkling, Unique Events to keep you encouraged & MORE.
Inquire about membership today!
Find us on Facebook or email info@wivesunitedinprayer.org.
About Us
Who We Are: Wives United in Prayer (WUIP) is a great group of Christian wives from different backgrounds, denominations, ages and churches. Collectively, we represent over 100 years of marriage & life experience and share a common love of Christ. Since our very beginning, our mission has been consistent. WUIP provides a safe place for wives to share and be encouraged by way of a mature sisterhood. We believe marriage takes three to be complete: A husband and wife united in love, with Christ at the center. This is what makes marriage priceless and not easily broken.
What We Are Not: WUIP is not a group of gossipers that practice or give "unsound" advice or judge you. We are sisters that support each other through the good and the tough days. We know that good marriages require hard work and that doesn't scare us. We know that everything is not always "peachy" and we "keep it real" with exciting meetings, lively discussions, prayer, fun events, and so much more to encourage and support each other. If you can handle mature women of all ages and stages of marriage that can move mountains....this is the place for you to be. Wives United in Prayer will positively influence our families, our churches and our communities.The power of unified Christian wives is unstoppable....we're proof of that!!!
Our Mission: Wives United in Prayer; a faith based, innovative not for profit organization was formed to provide a unique approach aimed at uplifting and empowering Christian married women and strengthening their marriages. WUIP aims to support its members, provides resources to the community, and offers unique and fresh events to benefit Christian married women.
"Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ" Galatians 6:2
WUIP stands together to fight the war against Marriage and show our younger generations that Marriage still matters!
Founder's Message:
Most women will agree that their wedding day is an important day in their life. A day filled with many hopes and dreams, vows and promises of a fairytale marriage from that day forward. What happens when things are not what you expected? Or when you and your prince charming seem to disagree on just about everything?
Studies show that more and more couples these days are opting for divorce, finding it easier to renounce their vows instead of holding on to the faith and love of God that brought them together in holy matrimony. The prevalence of divorce and lack of commitment to make things work are destroying our families and communities. When marriage is strong, so is the family life and society.
How do you handle the conflict? Where do you turn? - Wives United In Prayer. It is my dream that Wives United In Prayer (WUIP) will serve as a resource and provide support for women to unite with other godly women to help strengthen and empower their marriages as well as each other, and show a positive light on marriages in our communities and all over the world. The world needs to see that marriages work and most importantly, our children need to grow up in homes filled with positive images of strong marriages.
Marriages are under attack and we need support systems like WUIP to use as armor to shield from the negative influences in the world. One of the most important things you can do each day is to put God first in your marriage.
Carmen Collins
WUIP BOARD Executive Board
"But be sure that everything is done properly and in order"
1 Corinthians 14:40
Carmen Collins- Founder/President
Adrienne Barney- Secretary
Atrice Stewart- Treasurer
Sonja Anderson- Parliamentarian
Lori Porter Pickett- Events Director
Monica Porter - Encouragement Resources Director
Catherine Gardner- Membership Coordinator
Love Sprinkling
Join us at our next Love Sprinkling Movement. Help us sprinkle love.....it does a body and community good! Read some of the recent articles about our Love Sprinkling Movement. Check our Events calendar for upcoming events. Feel free to contact us to join us at our next Love Sprinkling. Thank you!
Fox32: Group brings ‘Love Sprinkling' movement to South Side
Latest WUIP Blog Posts
Contact Us
Prayer Requests? Questions about WUIP? Want more information about how to get involved?
Email: info@wivesunitedinprayer.org
Wives United In Prayer
PO Box 439203
Chicago, IL 60643
Follow Us On Facebook
We look forward to hearing from you soon!